Sunday, 29 June 2014

Words and Faces Project #27 - #32

#27. Country Man (Fine Liner)

#28. Petty Criminal (Acrylic and Fine Liner)

#29. Country Woman (Gouache)

#30. Maladroit (Acrylic and Coloured Pencil)

#31. Regret (Acrylic)

#32. Adolescent (Collage) 

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Words and Faces Project #15 - #26

#15. Lachrymose (Pencil and Watercolour) 

#16. Administrator (Gouache)

#17. Flat (Watercolour and Ink)

#18. Indolent (Acrylic)

#19. Lovesick (Acrylic)

#20. Loquacious (Watercolour and Coloured Pencils)

#21. Mordant (Gouache)

#22. Putrid (Gouache)

#23. Cosmetic (Watercolour)

#24. Unwell (Acrylic and Fine Liner) 

#25. Thief (Acrylic and Ink) 

#26. Pitiless (Watercolour and Pencil)

Monday, 16 June 2014

Words and Faces Project #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14

#8. Rumbustious (Gouache and Fine Liner)

#9. Erudite (Acrylic)

#10. Addicted (Gouache and Fine Liner)

#11. Leonine (Gouache)

#12. Asinine (Gouache)

#13. Hirsute (Watercolour and Fine Liner)

#14. Confident (Gouache)

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Words and Faces Project #4, #5, #6, #7

#4. Nondescript (Watercolour and Pencil) 

#5. Matriarch (Acrylic) 

#6. Patriarch (Gouache)

#7. Weak (Acrylic)

Monday, 9 June 2014

Words and Faces Project #1, #2, #3

#1. Moustache (Acrylic)

#2. Voluptuous (Gouache) 

#3. Miscreant (Gouache)