Thursday, 31 July 2014

Words and Faces Project #58 - #63

#59. Owlish (Acrylic)

#60. Episcopal (Acrylic)

#61. Delectation (Watercolour and Ink)

#62. Plebeian (Crayon and Fine Liner) 

#63. Expectation (Gouache)  

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Words and Faces Project #47 - #57

#47. 3D (Acrylic and Ink)

#48. Stubborn (Gouache)

#49. Phlegmatic (Gouache)

#50. Criminal (Collage)

#51. Lust (Fine Liner)

#52. La De Dah (Acrylic)

#53. Mafiosi (Gouache)

#54. Strong (Gouache)

#55. Melancholia (Watercolour and Ink)

#56. Satisfaction (Gouache)

#57. Hotcha (Biro and Fine Liner)

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Word and Faces Project #38 - #46

#38. Caricature (Fine Liner and Watercolour) 

#39. Haphazard (Gouache)

#40. Fugitive (Watercolour and Ink)

#41. Majestic (Gouache) 

#42. Courageous (Gouache)

#43. Opportunist (Watercolour and Ink)

#44. Chaste (Gouache)

#45. Reprehensible (Acrylic)

#46. Temper (Acrylic and Biro)

Monday, 7 July 2014

Words and Faces Project #33 - #37

#33. Baroque (Gouache and Fine Liner)

#34. Beelzebub (Acrylic) 

#35. Beautiful (watercolour and Fine Liner)

#36. Discombobulated (Biro)

#37. Fiery (Acrylic)